21 Sep 2023
Silken Tofu
Product name
Soft Tofu
Protein of Soya bean ,water, Glucano delta lactone,
Physical structure
Milky white Rectangle block
Preservation factor
Store at 0oC- 5oC
Primary Packing
350g, food grade plastic container
Outer packing
17 x 350g corrugated three plied carton
Storage condition
Store at 0oC- 5oC
Micro biological Characteristics
E.coli- Nil
Staphylococcus – Less than 100
Bacillus- Less than 100
Method of distribution
Must be transported in a chilled van.
(temperature not to exceed 5oC)
Shelf life
One month from the date of production
Ingredients, manufacture address, production& expiry date, allergen of soya bean.
Customer /consumer use and preparation
Ready to cook
Intended use
General consumption -Should not be used for People with Allergy to Soya
- Chilled & Fresh Food